Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Welcome a Baby with a Homemade Bird Mobile

My friend and her husband recently welcomed a beautiful baby girl into their lives. I wanted to congratulate them with the perfect gift. My friend loves birds, so I decided to make her a bird mobile.

I came across this Web site explaining how to make one from fabric and tree branches. The Web site, Spool, provides a bird pattern, which I used. I had never sewn by hand before, but I decided to give it a try. It was challenging at first, and I had to throw away many of my birds because they didn't exactly look like birds, but I eventually figured it out, and I am pleased with the result:

What You Need:
Two branches (I bought mine at Michael's Craft Store in the floral department, but you can also use branches from trees in your yard or from the forest.)
Bird pattern
Fabric (Be creative and mix and match colors. This was my favorite part!)
Natural Wire
Wire Cutters
Four Sock Eyes
Ceiling Hook
Hot Glue Gun

First, print the pattern and cut it out. You should have two pieces, the upper body and lower body. For the upper body, fold the fabric in half and pin the pattern to the fabric with the bird's back as the crease line. Cut the fabric, but do NOT cut the crease line. For the bird's lower body, pin the pattern to the fabric and cut out.

With the fabric inside out, pin the lower body to the upper body and hand sew along the belly with a straight stitch. Leave the tail open. Then, hand sew the head, beak and neck together. When you're done sewing, flip bird right side out, stuff the bird and sew the tail shut. Make five birds, three for the bottom branch and two for the top branch.

With a hot glue gun, glue the birds to the two branches. On each side of both branches, screw a sockeye. You should have two sockeyes on each branch. Cut the wire and bend it into a "V" shape. Loop the top of the triangle around the midsection of the upper branch. Then attach the wire to the lower branch by looping it through the two sockeyes.

Then, cut another piece of wire and bend it into a "V" shape. Attach the wire to the upper branch by looping it through the two sockeyes.

Screw the hook into the ceiling and hang the top wire from it. If you want the mobile to hang lower, loop another piece of wire around the top triangle and hang it from the hook. You're all done!