Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A Tutorial for Flower Headbands and Hair Clips

I love to make flower headbands and hair clips for my friends and their babies. They are the perfect gift. Here are a few photos of ones I have made:

What You Need:
Felt (preferably the same color as the fabric)
Hair clips or elastic for headbands 
Pearls or jewels for the center of the flower
Hot Glue Gun

For the elastic, cut your headband sizes accordingly
Newborn- 13 3/4"
3-6 months - 15"
6-12 months- 16 1/4"
12m-Tween- 17 1/4"
Adult- 18 1/4" 


First, print out a copy of this flower or draw it. With your printer on in Microsoft Word, you should be able to scale it to whatever size you prefer. The larger the flower, the bigger the hairpiece and vice versa. I like mine between 4- to 2-inches across. When making a flower, I often layer different sizes.

Now, pin the paper flower to the fabric and cut out your flowers.  Then, cut two circles that are the same size out of the felt.  

Fold one of the fabric flowers in half, then fold it in half again two more times, so that it looks like this:

Once you have the flower folded, sew it the edge of the circle like this. 

Repeat this process until you can no longer see the edge of the circle:

Now add more flowers to the center until you have the desired fullness:

Then, add your embellishments. You can roll up a piece of tulle and sew it into the center like this:

Or you can add a jewel or button:

Or you can add more petals to make a full-looking flower:

Once you have a flower you like, grab the other circle and the clip

Fold the circle in half and cut two slits into it:

Slip the clip through the slits like this:

Glue the circle to the other circle, and you're all done! You now have a beautiful flower hair clip!

If you prefer a headband, flip your flower upside down and place the elastic across the circle. Glue the other circle on top, and viola! 

Good luck!